Poker is a card game, so before start playing any card game, all ranking factors & game structures need to understand for winning the game. Â The player knows about the basic structuring of the game so he can directly able to understand the hand ranking of the poker sequence.
Today, lots of online websites and apps are available for poker card games which provide a complete guide to the player before playing. But you need to take care of trustable sources so you can save yourself from cheating. At Indonesia poker is a very popular game, so please grab a perfect source of agen poker terpercaya . We are here to provide the main key point of poker sequence which helps you more while playing the game.
First of all, we explain your game structure. Poker gameplay with 52 cards, sometimes also uses the joker as an extra card to add extra excitement in-game but it is not added in the basic game structure. Card rank sequence is high to low respectively Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. There are four suits with equal ranking which are hearts, diamonds clubs, and spades. On the table, each player has 5 cards on hand. These five cards are called community cards and this cards sequence combination make player lucky from the other player to win the game.  Below all the sequence combination rule explains from highest to lowest hand ranking.
Table of Contents
Poker sequence hand ranking for highest to lowest
1. Royal flush
A royal flush is the highest card in the same suit combination Ace, King, Queen, jack and ten. Rarely get this combination on hand but if a player will get it and no other has the same sequence in another suite so no one can beat this combination in any circumstances.

2. Straight flush
The next difficult combination is a straight flush in which all five cards are in the same sequence in increasing numbers. But the condition is that all five cards are again in the same suite likes a royal suite. It is again the same as like royal suite but the difference is that the royal suite has at least one single card that is biggest than this sequence’s biggest card. And that is the reason it is the second-highest position after the royal flush.

3. Four of a Kind
Third-hand ranking priority is four of a kind in which 4 cards are exactly same cards of all suites and the fifth card is any card from rest of 48 cards. Â Again it is tough to get this has a very low probability.

4. Full house
A full house is identified by a 3+2 combination. Let us clarify more about this combination. From five cards, 3 cards are the same ranking card and 2 cards are the same ranking card as like one of combination display in the image as 3 king cards and 2 cards have 2 rank.

5. Flush
It matches the suite pattern means all five cards belong to the same suite and don’t matter what is the card rank and not all are in sequence. It is any random card from the same suite.

6. Straight
It consists of five cards are in numerical card sequence or higher card sequence in different suites. Ace rank considers low or high depending on a sequence like it make a sequence Ace, King, ace, king, queen, jack and ten or Ace, 2,3,4,5. It has again less chance to get cards sequence.

7. Three of a Kind
In this card sequence, 3 cards are the same rank with different suites and rest 2 cards are any of two ranks or don’t matter what is suit type.

8. Two Pair
In this card sequence, 2 different pairs made of 2 same cards and 1 single random cards. For more clarification check the image which contains 1 pair is of jack with 2 different suite and other pair is 7 rank of 2 different suites. And fifth is random 5 rank card.

9. Pair
The pair sequence is a little bit similar to two pairs of sequence. The only difference is one pair need to match instead of 2 pair. Here one pair match with the same rank card and rest of the three cards are any random cards. Carefully check the image for more understanding.

10. High Card
It is very simple and straighter forward. It only needs to check the highest rank card from five cards. If any tie happened or not of the player has above hand ranking of card sequence then high card priority will identify the winner. Some time happened that 2 players match the same type of hand ranking which makes a tie so in that case, the high card category defines the winner from the tie situation.

Understanding basic poker game structure and card sequence (hand ranking), you are eligible to play the game very well with more interest and full game knowledge.