A global cash card is an easy and simple technique to take an organization’s finance arrangement and transform it into a 100% paperless spending choice. With world-class charity and forefront technology, employees get a simple method to get to their checks and organizations can spare just about 3 dollars for every check on account of electronic cash moves. In light of the normal week after week finance of current GCC customers, organizations spare over $15,000 every week utilizing this money card.
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What is Global Cash Card?
It gives to the two cardholders and administrators to oversee accounts anyplace, whenever. The versatile webpage is viable with any web-empowered device. Cardholders just sign on to cardholder.globalcashcard.com and are consequently coordinated to a portable official website that is mobile-friendly to their particular device to see their parity, transaction history, or potentially paystub information, just as move assets to another card, bank account, or payee.
Global cash card Account features
There are a number of features for users they can use after registering in globalcashcard.com. here we declare some main features and the functions of the global cash card online login. Read the below information carefully.
- User can check their account balance and limit both
- Allows online registration to users and transfer money to make payments.
- Users can use the online portal to find the ATMs nearby your location.
- It provides every place worldwide which accepts MasterCard cards.
The global cash card platform can be accessed from your phone as well as a computer.
How to activate Global cash card Account: First step
- Visit the official website of GCC.
- At the homepage, you shall see the option to sign up or log in click on it.
- This will open the login page, now you have to select the sign-up option in the login page.
- On the registration page, you have to fill all the necessary details.
- After that, you have to create a username and password or your GCC account.
- Follow the instruction given on the screen and your GCC account will be ready to use.
How to activate Global cash card Account: Second step
In the second step, log in to the Global cash card account. Follow the below steps for log in process.
- Open the URL: https://cardholder.globalcashcard.com or Global cash card app on your phone or device.
- Enter all credential details
- If asked for OTP then enter your registered mobile number.
- After confirmation, enter the username and password and click on the login option.
Now, your Global online account profile would be opened on your screen.
How to activate Global cash card Account: Final step
Now on your dashboard, you shall see the option to activate the Global cash card. You can directly open the official URL: www.globalcashcard.com/activate and complete the login process again.
- As per the screen, you need to provide GCC number and other information needed like the expiry date of CVV, etc.
- Provide all the necessary information and click on the human verification icon. It is the process like a robot the bot tools.
- After that, you have to select the PIN of your new Global cash card and manage all the related things.
How to activate Global cash card Account: Call Toll-Free
You like to finish your Global Cash Card actuate needs disconnected, at that point there is a complementary initiation line that GCC has given just to you. Contact a client assistance delegate at 1 (866) 929-8096 and they will have the option to enact your new card and only minutes.
When your customized cash card has been actuated, you will approach your check promptly once your boss deliveries the assets. You would then be able to go through this cash at traders around the globe or pull back it from an ATM whenever it might suit you. The cash on your GCC cash card is secure. Not exclusively is it FDIC guaranteed, yet it is likewise ensured by the zero risk strategies that are executed by MasterCard and Visa.
In the event that you have lost your new cash card that has the customized ported right away. Call (949) 751-0360 to have action on your cash card halted. You can likewise put your own cash onto your Global Cash Card after it has been initiated through MoneyGram or Western Union.
Complete your Global cash card account make your payment.
The bottom line:
This is so easy steps to follow for Global cash card online via phone call or other devices. You can use any of this process you like. If you have any queries regarding this article say in the comment section.