Here we are unboxing the details for the everything about HBO max apps of Cost, Sign in , Install , annual subscription price , hbo max Version, Simultaneous HBO max user on all device like PS4 , PS5, Roku, amazon prime fire stick, LG tv and much more so get ready to fly with the HBO Max.

About HBO Max

The great HBO Max is outstanding platform of entertaifnment which is an American provided subscription video on need streaming service.

The HBO max is owned by AT&T group via the WarnerMedia which is basically

Direct subsidiary of popular WarnerMedia, and the super effective launched just on May 27, 2020 in US.

The giant king of entertainment HBO Max is a sole and stand-alone streaming platform which gives the bunches of HBO together with extreme famous TV favorites, Hit movies and new Max Originals for enjoy to everyone.

Compare HBO max with HBO Go & HBO Now

The Entertainment giant HBO have already wings of HBO Go & HBO Now. But recently HBO and Warnermedia launched a new streaming service called HBO Max. From the 32st July, HBO has stopped the version HBO Go app on most of the devices and re-introduced the brand name as just “HBO”.

Yes, but with out any single extra cost the older version is provided as new “HBO Max” as replacement version.

When we are going for the content and device selection, that’s the catch to apply the different version of HBO while with go at HBO Max or HBO, looks they provided options based on the device selections.

As summary, Basically, AT&T group has stopped the HBO Go service and the cut-short the name as HBO Now to Just small – HBO.

So, The HBO Now is the la carte streaming choice and HBO Go was the options that come with your current cable subscription or can be seen as Amazon Prime.

All the HBO Go, HBO Now and HBO Max the major cross is The HBO Max is currently not available on the extreme famous platform Amazon prime fire TV & Roku.

Roku and Amazon prime Fire TV, these 2 giants are still in discussion and negotiation with the HBO.

How to Activate signin/

There are many users are confused to activate the HBO max in the device. Lets have detailed steps to create account for the hbo max for the tv signin.

  • First of all go to signin the sign up the link.
  • Set your email and password in place.
  • Based on request re-type credential again.
  • Provide the country and pin code where you live and see.
  • Put some personal front like gender & birthdate.
  • Put the form in the colored box into the Word checking field.
  • Now ready to complete the data and accept the terms& condition.
  • Ready to go for use.

So, by simply follow the above steps you can go ahead with the complete the TV signin process with the effective version view of HBO max.

Cast to your TV using Chromecast

You can do the cast HBO Max to your TV using the Chromecast device which can be connected to your phone or computer. 

You need to open HBO Max mobile app and then Tap the “Cast” icon which is on top right corner.

As the cut edge cast from computer, you may use Google Chrome’s pre-loaded feature “Cast” menu when you are on the HBO Max website. Chomecast is much important tool to reflect the small screen to larger screen like TV.

Install HBO Max apps on PS4 and PS5 : Great playstation

The gaming giants the “Sony playstation” declared the HBO Max is landed on the console PS4 and PS5. So that’s the great news for the lovers of Gaming with the excitement attachment of the famous HBO movie series at one console.

So, for the Installation of HBO max to the PS4 and PS5 let’s update the app. The super quick reboot made it available to download on the PS5 also.

When you are in mood to get in PS5 in the best gaming console PlayStation then go the media section and scroll down to the app section there.

And to the available front of PlayStation 4, you go the store then search to the HBO Max. You have to download the same and Just sign-in and here you go with the full basket of entertainment with gaming experience.

Sometimes system software console updates also required to run the HBO max at PS4 & PS5.

How to fix and watch HBO Max on Roku

If you want to enjoy the HBO Max on Roku then let’s get the app first on the same.

  • You need to find the HBO Max in the streaming channels.
  • Go to the selection for the HBO max.
  • Select the HBO max.
  • Put your credentials to see the HBO Max on Roku.

As simple as that, you can watch HBO Max, still since the start of the HBO Max streaming on the Roku device, many of users are not able to execute and see the HBO Max.

Lets check some steps to fix the issue and watch the HBO Max again. The troubleshoot starts with the app update of HBO app. Let’s visit some step to fix.

  • First you have to Restart your Roku device.
  • Then please log out HBO from all devices and then sign in again.
  • Kindly reinstall the HBO Max.
  • We have to wait till the HBO Max app plot at home screen before browsing.
  • Now, You need to search content and play the movie from your Roku device.
  • You can also watch the HBO max at another device then can switch back to the Roku device and resume the last content.
  • Start watching HBO Max content on another device and then switch back to your Roku device and resume.

Still the device is not able to open the HBO Max, you need to clear the cache and date and then go for the Roku update.

Process explained to make clear the Roku’s cache and data

  1. Go to the Home tab is selected from the given main menu.
  2. Then Press the Home button of your Roku device five times.
  3. Now you need to tap the Up button and the Rewind button twice.
  4. Go to the next level of Press the Fast Forward button two smart times, and your device should start clearing the best.

How to update your Roku device

You can go the setting menu then system update, results to the latest available version for the Roku device. The Roku OS 9.3 must be there and support to the running of the HBO Max on roku.

How to watch HBO max on Amazonprime fire tv

Initially there was the concern to run of HBO Max on the most successful and popular streaming device “Amazon prime Fire TV”. After some troubleshoot and updates finally around after 6 months the HBO TV is available in Amazon prime Fire TV.

The annual subscription is the best choice for the amazon prime along with the pacakage of HBO max We need to plug in the internet, HDMI and smart move to select further app of HBO Max.

If you have the HBO Max pack already in pocket just use the user details with password to run the same on Fire Tv else we need to pay the price $ 14.99 for ad-free version or less with advertisement.                                        

Chromecast is the important tool to enlarge your mobile version of amazon prime to the TV screen.

How to get max off an annual HBO Max subscription

Here we are sharing the details that, to get the best deal on the HBO Max, the deal gets $25 off an annual subscription.

  • By using he American Express card, user can get the best deal of price $ 25 off on the annual subscription.
  • The HBO Max- ad-supported version can purchase with hbo max version option $ 100 and the ad free gives the hbo max version option plan price of HBO max price $ 150.
  • So, each and every annual hbo max version saves you around 16% compare to the paying good deal pricing.

HBO Max price: how much does it cost and today’s best deals

Let’s have the visit to get the details that HBO max price.

HBO Max gives the offer two options: If you wish to the skip of adv then the package comes at $14.99 per month and second option is economical with the adv cost you $9.99 per month.

The catch is the subscribers to the ad-supported package not able to download content for offline viewing on his mobile devices, the giant stream 4K content, or get the opportunity to watch any of the same-day Warner Bros on the module.

So be sure and select the package according to your budget and choice. Here again chromecast is the important tool to expand the view from handy size to larger around 32,55 inch and more.

How Many Users and Simultaneous Streams does HBO Max?

There are always cap of max users to all the device or streaming platform to watch the limited usage of single user, to catch the max sell market for the subscription. We can install the HBO max app as much required in multiple devices.

The annual subscription is also looks handsome attractions to run HBO max without breaks and reminders to go with.

Simultaneous use of the single user to the multiple devices are restricted to 3 devices by HBO Max

When you are going with the cost $ 14.99 per month HBO Max version  you are allowed to download the show or movie to mobile device before other user start to see it.

But you can simultaneously download so, technically seeing you can download max 30 videos so results good amount of content at multi device.

Here is some information on Supported Devices

  • All Android mobiles and tablets
  • All Android TV
  • Apple TV (starts from 4th Gen)
  • Computers
  • Apple iOS devices: iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch all devices.
  • Amazon prime Fire TV,
  • PlayStation 4 and Xbox One
  • Samsung TVs (version after 2016)
  • Roku.
  • LG smart TV.

Does HBO MAX have Student Discount?

There are many queries from Student viewers who are pretty interested for the discount available for HBO Max but the fact is that HBO does not giving any offer of discount as a student discount package or subscription anymore for the sell policy.

This rule applies to HBO Max, HBO Go, and HBO Now. Still if you had any earlier offer, you can get it on to an HBO Max subscription cost for $9.99 per month which is basic hbo max version.

In some history, HBO Max had some packages for the discount and offer promotions that covered student discounts and straight 20% off if you purchased six months in advance in place of the monthly hbo max version.

Currently, HBO Max only offers cost $14.99 per month as the cheapest price without ad support. To avoid multi payment reminders every month we can go with the Annual subscription format.

Troubleshoot in HBO Max

There are multiple reasons behind Troubleshoot of HBO max, Which can starts from the power, software version, subscription error, users activation, connectivity or availability of internet for better streaming.

As troubleshooting for the HBO max depends on the process and device which is being used may it would be roku, playstation or Tv , Amazon fire tv.

There are some common problem in hbo max app which is like below.

HBO Max App Keeps Crashing

First of all check your HBO max having latest version or not and internet connectivity. Second thing is that some time if user hitting play button constantly  so at that time apps become hand and it will crash.

HBO Max Sound Not Working

If sound not working so first check other running show or movie on HBO because sometimes it happened in specific show contain sound temporary issue due to some real time technical issue.

If it is happaned on entire shows on  HBO so please check that your device is properly attach with speaker or not.

HBO Max Buffering Issues

These types of issues are generally caused by network bandwidth, connection speed, and available memory.

HBO Max Error Code 321

This error mainly generated due to 2 possibility if internet connection is not working or you are using outdated version of the application which required update apps.

HBO Max Error Code 100 and 420

Generally this error found when due to high traffic server is down or service is out of hand. So at this type of error you cant  manage from  your self so for this error you need to wait until service or server become normal.

Streaming on Too Many Devices

How many users can use one account simutensouly on multiple device that is depend on which plan subsribe in that account. So strickly follow number of users as per define in plan.

Hopefully , In given article you will get everything about HBO max apps like installation on each and every device, Troubleshooting from sign in to installation or other user interface issue.

Happy Reading!!


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